The CCTA’s Vigilance Conference will take place on 31 March in London. This event will pick up on a range of themes that firms will always want to ensure are in keen sight.
The agenda will cover issues including fraud, cyber security, illegal lending and money laundering. These are themes of real importance to any firm operating in alterative credit, particularly at a time when developments in technology are increasing in pace.
Attendees will hear from a range of speakers and panellists on these topics. There will also be ample opportunity for networking across the industry.
The event will bring together a range of delegates from the CCTA membership and beyond. Sectors represented are likely to include high-cost credit, motor finance and pawnbroking. Broker and CCTA associate firms will also attend.

Even the most conservative estimates now suggest over one million people are using loan sharks in the UK. We will be joined by the Illegal Money Lending Unit to learn more about the changing nature of this crime and the new ways criminals are exploiting their victims. How can we play our part in tackling this issue?

In a world of rapidly changing technology, the value and security of data, particularly customer data, is becoming increasingly important. However, at the same it is also getting more complicated and confusing. We will discuss how best to protect your firm from possible breeches and attacks, as well as steps you can put in place to increase security.

Fraud can take many forms, and affect both consumers and firms alike. A number of industry stakeholders, including the FCA, work together to reduce financial crime and protect consumers. We will talk about some of basic steps to manage the risk of fraud and the role the sector can play in educating consumers.

All financial firms need to be alert to the threat of money laundering, particularly how to detect and prevent criminals from using these means to legitimise the proceeds of crime. In this session we will cover the Know Your Customer process and appropriate reporting mechanisms to combat risk.
10.15am – registration & networking
11.00am – conference commences
1.00pm – networking lunch
3.00pm – conference concludes (approx)
dress code – smart casual business wear