Step Change statistics year book published

Statistics | 19/04/21

Step Change Debt Charity published its latest statistics year book.

The report highlights the demographic and debt situations of new clients who first completed a full debt advice session between January and December 2020.

More than half a million people the charity for advice in 2020, reflecting the financial uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

Average (mean) unsecured debt fell to £12,644 per new client in 2020. There was also a decrease in the average median debt levels from £8,605 in 2019 to £7,724 in 2020. Credit cards were the most common debt type among new debt advice clients, with more than two thirds holding at least one credit card at the time of advice (67%). There was a notable rise in the proportion of clients with personal loan debts. In 2020, over half (52%) of clients held at least one personal loan debt at the time of advice, up from 47% in 2018.

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