Keynote Speakers
- Alexander Macdonald │ Ombudsman Leader, Financial Ombudsman Service
- Paula Twist │ Director, Regulatory, Walker Morris
- Square 4 │ Presenter TBA
Mission impossible? Ensuring access to responsible credit
- Martha Stokes │ Head of Consumer Lending, Financial Conduct Authority
- Chris Pond │ Chair, Financial Inclusion Commission
- Niall Alexander │ Credit & Consumer Markets Lead, Fair4All Finance
Uncharted territory: The new regulatory framework
- Chris Leslie │ Chief Executive Officer, Credit Services Association
- Clare Hughes │ Partner, Addleshaw Goddard
- Richard Hoggart │ Group Chief Executive Officer, DSG Group
The next frontier: Developments in technology and innovation
- Scott Woolveridge │ Operations Director, GAIN Credit
- Brandon Wallace │ Senior Product Manager, Bud
- Neil Allen │ Head of Strategy, Lexis Nexis
In our orbit: Who is the customer and how can we help?
- Chris Fitch │ Vulnerability Lead, Money Advice Trust
- Jono Gillespie│ CEO, Everyday Loans Ltd
- Panellist│ To be confirmed