Money Charity Statistics released: November 2020

Industry News | 30/11/20

Multiple recent figures underline the scale of financial pressures building on UK households throughout 2020 from the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the November 2020 Money Statistics, produced by The Money Charity.
The CPI (Consumer Prices Index) increased by 0.7% in the year to October 2020.
In the three months to September 2020, regular pay increased by 1.9% on the year before, while pay including bonuses rose by 1.3%.
Public Sector Net Borrowing (excluding RBS and Bank of England) in the three months to October 2020 was £75.3 billion, an average borrowing of £818 million per day.
Out of a total working-age population of 54.4 million, there are projected to be 32.3 million income taxpayers in 2020-21.