Financial Conduct Authority publishes its Approach to Enforcement in response to misconduct
Regulatory Updates | 24/04/19
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its ‘Approach to enforcement’ and feedback statement. The document outlines how the FCA recognises and attempts to drive out behaviour that fails to meet its standards, or that is dishonest or unlawful. The document is the outcome of the FCA’s March 2018 ‘Our approach to enforcement’ consultation paper. The FCA states that its overriding principle in its approach to enforcement is substantive justice–to ensure that it undertakes investigations in a consistent and open-minded way to achieve the right outcomes.The document outlines its approach to enforcement and how this aligns with its Mission, by explaining how the FCA addresses harm and adds public value through the use of its statutory powers to investigate and, where necessary, take civil, criminal and/or disciplinary action in the case of a contravention.