Fairness in government debt management: a call for evidence – Cabinet Office

Industry News | 01/07/20

The government is seeking evidence on how debt management practices can be improved and most effectively manage debts stemming from fraudulent activity. This consultation closes at 11pm on 21 September 2020. The Government welcomes evidence from the debt advice sector, private and public sector creditors, debt collection agencies, the voluntary sector and wider society, as well as from members of the public who wish to contribute. The 44 page consultation paper looks at several policy challenges which the the government would like responses to. One of sub-sections is regarding Affordability and the paper is asking the following questions:
• Do you have any concerns about the way affordability is assessed by central and local government organisations agreeing debt repayments?
• In your opinion, what is the best way to assess affordability of debt repayments? Please provide examples for any response you provide. This could include evidence on the role of technology.
• How might issues of sustainability of debt repayments be addressed outside of an affordability assessment? For example, through the ongoing relationship between those in debt and the organisation that holds that debt, or through debt write-off.